What were these 8 Atlanta restaurants almost named?
From Atlanta Business Chronicle:The culinary equivalent of a first impression, a restaurant’s name is the quickest way to stand out from the competition. Some, like Ford Fry, brainstorm with mood boards, taking inspiration from cuisine, geographical location, history—even old cookbooks. Others are less formal. Ryan Pernice of Table & Main jotted down columns of words associated with his restaurant and eventually threw an ampersand in between his two favorites. Linton Hopkins of Restaurant Eugene started by flipping through a dictionary. But regardless of their approach, chefs laid down a few hard and fast rules: The name should be easy to pronounce, no more than two or three words, in English, and meaningful to either the owners or the restaurant itself. With hundreds of possibilities left on the cutting room floor, can you figure out what could have been for these restaurants?1. BeetleCat could have been A Starboard B The Opti C Vibrolux D The Half-Shell -See full list at: http://www.atlantamagazine.com/dining-news/what-were-these-8-atlanta-restaurants-almost-named/#sthash.tjq5rjx1.dpuf